Our News

Lancashire Environmental Fund

Developing and sustaining community life.


The Lancashire Environmental Fund (LEF) are pleased to announce a new small grant funding stream, the Green Grants.  The grants, up to £1,000, are for not-for-profit organisations, charities, trusts, community groups, parish or community councils or voluntary organisations, for small stand alone projects, with a 6-8 week turn around on applications.

Projects might include;

  • Energy efficiency measures at community facilities ie insulation, double glazing, water saving, low energy lighting etc
  • Wildflower and bulb planting
  • Tree planting
  • Community Orchards
  • Community Gardens (but not allotments)
  • Pond creation and planting
  • Improvements to access to public parks and gardens
  • Benches and seating
  • Community Arts with an environmental theme
  • Health Walk waymarking

Guidelines and applications forms for the Green Grants and information on the Fund’s other major funding schemes can be found on the Fund’s website at www.lancsenvfund.org.uk

For more information about the Green Grants contact Jennifer Tidy, Fund Administrator, at LEF on 01772 317247 or general@lancsenvfund.org.uk