Disability Equality North West – DENW wants to hear from disabled people about their experiences of hate crime and views about hate crime, the services and support available and ideas about how those services and support could be improved.
They will share the outcomes of the research with key partners such as the police, victims services, local authority, housing providers, disability organisation etc. This will be presented with recommendations in a way that safe-guards the identity of survey participants; confidentiality and anonymity is assured.
The survey is open from 15th February until 31st March to allow maximum opportunity for disabled people across Lancashire to access it.
Please complete each of the 3 sections; it should take no more than 10 minutes to finish and we will make every effort that the results help the way hate crime services develop and respond to disabled people and perpetrators of hate crime in the future.
Disability Equality takes data protection very seriously.
For further information please contact Jennifer 01772-558863 Option 2 or email Jennifer@disability-equality.org.uk
Complete the survey here: https://survey.zohopublic.eu/zs/F1Bz6v?fbclid=IwAR3pG9csm-pMge25FlhNwdEaAzN4eqON7_QNeU8NfwiuTVTETQuVnNJ8HB0